Sell, Sell, Sell
30 March 2002
Back in January 1993, I returned to the U.S. from a two year mission in Chile. When I returned, I asked all my friends to catch me up with all the music that I had missed. One of them was this little Canadian band called Barenaked Ladies. I was so thrilled with them that I went out immediately and bought their CD, "Gordon".

For the next few years, the Ladies would release album after album of quality music, but they were just kind of thrown to the side by radio stations. I know this because I worked at a station, and I kept begging my Program Director to play some of BNL's stuff, to no avail...until "One Week".

Now it's been nearly 10 years, and the Barenaked Ladies are superstars! Watching "Barenaked in America" you can see their superstar status.

"Barenaked in America" is one of the greatest Rockumentaries out there. It's not a bunch of pretentious rockers talking about how they wrote this song and how they made out with that supermodel. It's five guys having a blast doing something they love. By watching "Barenaked in America" you can tell that these guys really love their fans and their fans really love them.

If you've never been to a BNL concert, you're missing out on one of the greatest shows you'll ever see. If you can't afford the ticket price, rent this movie and you'll get a glimpse of the band that is Barenaked Ladies.
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