Timecode (2000)
Not categorisable, just be prepared
25 April 2002
I saw this film at the Dendy, an arthouse cinema. Arthouse it is: film for film's sake, not made for dollars, pounds, deutschmarks or anything like that. It was a rather original movie (even if the technique has been used since the 60s).

The plot has an interesting web of characters. There is film producer Alex (Stellan Skarsgard), his wife Emma (Saffron Burrows), his lover Rose (Salma Hayek) and her lesbian lover Lauren (Jeanne Tripplehorn) and many others. It is impossible to display them all on a single-screen movie and still be a nice regular length of time. Nor could the viewer get involved.

So therefore, director Mike Figgis shot all four screens on a single take. And there is no way anybody could have possibly supplied a script for it as the screens are then synchronised (this is where the movie's title comes from--the Timecode is the time displayed on the tapes). And no, the film isn't all that complex to watch--the dialogue moves from screen to screen

And so it is rather incomparable to other films. In it's own right, it is a good movie (although it could have been done better).

However, I was rather prepared for what this movie was--through the articles and a film poster I had taken from a local theatre. If you are unprepared, then you may not like it as much as I did.
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