Darkly funny & violent film with a feminist edge
8 October 2002
This is a refreshing & darkly humorous, albeit violent, film about women who bond together when things go from bad to worse after they try to help one another. It does have the Thelma & Louise flavor to some extent. None of the men these women in "Beautiful Creatures" are involved are at all redeeming, however. A giddy terror results when they find themselves getting into a deeper and deeper mess. I thought this also had a kind of Scottish feel to it (it's filmed in Glasgow) that reminded me a bit of one of Bill Forsyth's films "That Sinking Feeling." While Forsyth's film was not violent, some people might find "Beautiful Creatures," because of the brutality in it, offensive. Still it's a not often look at the underside of smart women getting involved with some yukky guys and trying hard not to end up destitute & beaten down.
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