Review of Green Dragon

Green Dragon (2001)
Red-White-and-Blue Dragon.
23 November 2002
The sanctification of U.S. soldiers in this movie goes far beyond oversentimantalism, to the realm of fantasy and even absurdity. I was really sickened by this movie and did not finish watching in spite of the fact that at times the acting was quite good, excelent even, especially from the children, Forest, and some of the adult Vietnamese cast.

But the manner in which this movie attempts to hammer-down U.S. apologism for the war is so blatant, so unrealistic, and in this sense insidious.

Sure the films attempts to have us empathize with Vietnamese (for a change), that's very rare for U.S. Vietnam war films, infitesimally so. But, of course, these are the pro-U.S. Vietnamese, so the unspeakably gentle Americans can be presented in an entirely positive way. Their only shortcoming is that they were not able to win. But the millions of Vietnamese who died for their National Liberation (as I said in another review, Ho Chi Minh was their George Washington -- out of 40 million Vietnamese very few chose not to fight for the -only-, yes only, National Liberation movement which fought against both the French & the U.S. all the same).

Of course, this movie would like us to forget these realities at all costs because it has a hidden agenda. One would never know about these dynamics from the movie. The gross and unrealistic santification also extends to a South Vietnamese General, for example. And that was it for me. I couldn't go on with it. I got the point: the U.S. and the tiny so-called "South Vietnamese" forces were good, the NVA and the rest of Vietnam bad. Now let's paint some cute pictures. Revolting and condescending. This movie is for Americans only, but not all Americans (see I don't have such a low perception of the American population, not all of them would so thoughtlessly buy into this sel-findulgent tripe). If you're an American whose education consists strictly on spoon-fed government propaganda and Holywood as a scholarly authority, you will like this movie, go for it I guess. But any other American with a dose of citical thought would feel the same way I do, I'm sure.

In closing, this movie is intended for (though not recommended to anyone) the not-too-bright oversentimental without-a-dose of a history-lesson or critical thought Americans.

It is to be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS, however, by anyone who is:

An American with half-a-brain.

Anyone else from Earth, and especially from Vietnam.

------------ Post Script: ------------

Funny, they mention the genocidal regime known as Khmer Rouse (sp.) in Cambodia, but it is said in passing so as to juxtapose it to the evil Vietnamese. Except it was the Vietnamese Communist forces who in 1979 invaded Cambodia and physically ousted the Khmer Rouse from power, ending the latter's genocide of 4 million Cambodians. So, for those of you who thought this movie was good, realistic, and without hidden patriotic agendas, I hope the Irony is not lost on you. But I fear it will.

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