Not the greatest film of all time.
28 May 2003
I have to admit that when I first went to see Matrix I wasn´t really that impressed by the film. I had just seen Dark City, a truly intelligent film. A couple of years later I had to rent Matrix because my girlfriend had missed it and this time I finally realized that Matrix was a great action film and truly entertaining. It may even be called innovative. So I had some hopes for Reloaded.

I realize that the Wachowski brothers felt the need to explain their universe in this film. I also realize that they had an need for trying to explain the motives of the main characters but still. Reloaded has some great action and amazing effects but it is also an extremely uneven film. It felt like at least half of the film was made up of endless and pointless monologues, (Morpheus was worst, talk about pretentious.)I also have a huge problem with this kind of parodichal acting, especially when you have a corny dialogue. And believe me, it really is corny.

I have a degree in philosophy and always find the kind of fake philosophy that Reloaded represents as a bit naive and funny. But one wonders why they made such a fuss about the philosophical aspects of the story when it is clearly made to entertain teenagers? The 16 year old I went to see Reloaded with simply didn´t have a clue what they where talking about. And when it comes to alienating your audience, that might be the worst thing you can do.

And when it comes to suspense, how exciting is it with an character, Neo in this case, who simply can´t lose? And in this film he really is the Matrix version of Superman.

I have to say that my expectations are considerably lower for the next outing.
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