Five Star ++
22 February 2003
'The Sleeping Dictionary' directed by Guy Jenkin just came to a Video store in my neighborhood (February 2003). It is one of the best movies I have seen...I rate it in the top 10 on my list of Romance/Drama. This film has terrific director- ship, meaning that the plot moves smoothly, is highly coherent, and suspenseful with timely revelations. The acting is first like who you are supposed to and don't. I enjoyed seeing a film with real settings...jungle scenes & environs. I look forward to seeing future Guy Jenkins films. Even the music is excellent: it is fully supportive but one doesn't notice it. This is about the best compliment I can give to a music score for a movie in the Romance/Drama category. (too many movies have distracting music or volume with effect that fogs the plot impact). There is some violence, upper nudity, harsh language and death issues so restrict your young viewers as per choice. 'The Sleeping Dictionary' is a video I will purchase. Very few directors achieve this level of perfection so I put this film in the Artistic Category, not simply Entertainment. Give Director Mr. Jenkins top awards, Members. Thank you, JW.
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