Mega Man Legends 2 (2000 Video Game)
Improving over the first (may be spoilers)
22 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this game the summer after it was released. Didn't get a lot of hype, though, but it paid its due. Aside from screwing up the fresh data side testing it on the Game Doctor I bought with it, the game played out just fine (despite the skipping and disc read slowdowns). Well, I guess it's time for another breakdown, huh?

GRAPHICS: Greatly improved over the first. Textures have been smoothed as opposed to the original, and we are once again looking at the above-par animations and facial expressions. MegaMan's look has been altered, though, from the all-blue plain look from the original, to a more technical and colorful look of the sequel. MegaMan looks taller though, but I'm not sure.

His facial complexion changed, and his hair seems to be a lot bigger. He also runs around with an orange bag on his back, but I really don't know what it's for...

SOUND: The only change in the voice acting cast is that MegaMan has been replaced by a woman, which some were hoping he would maintain his original voice actor. Also, Barrel has a lot less pep inside of him, this time. In the original, it was easy for him to get excited. Here, it seems as though nothing surprises him. Other than that, everyone from the original is back in action to take over their prime roles once again.

game play: Significantly altered from the original. Aside from the fact that MegaMan can now kick things with both legs, he can also lift things. Another change is that the mode customization window has a more interesting look. In MML1, you had your basic pause menu. Here, it looks like a computer program selection window. More things can be altered for game play, such as the use of the vibration function, BGM and SFX volume, and all that jazz. Some weapons are making a re-appearance, such as the Active Buster and Shining Laser. New weapons include the Hunter Seeker (probably the most interesting weapon of them all. You can fire auto turrets around the room, and they will automatically fire at a locked-on enemy), and the Aqua Blaster (a fire extinguisher...might be more useful than you think). Speaking of lock-on, the auto-targeting system has been upgraded. In the original, locking onto enemies was exceptionally difficult, because you couldn't move while in the targeting mode, nor was the camera precise when it came to targeting). This time, not only does the camera transfix to its target, the target is identified by a targeting reticle. You can also move freely even while in auto-targeting. Another little tidbit is that MegaMan already has his jump springs wrapped and ready to go, so there's no need to go looking for jump spring parts. Also, you will not only be exploring one island. You will be exploring multiple islands by moving through the world on your Flutter.

STORY: It's continued straight from the plot of the original...the heroes are out looking for the Mother Lode, which is said to be a legendary treasure hidden out somewhere. Roll wants to find it desperately, and MegaMan intends to help. But there's someone (or perhaps something) in the way. Yes, the Bonnes are back to stir up more trouble, but since we already know them, they're making an immediate appearance in the sequel. Once again they are standing in MegaMan's way to solve the mystery of the Mother Lode, and once again, MegaMan beats them in their persistence. However, MegaMan can give less of a care about them, because he's determined to find the four keys that will open the Mother Lode, according to legends. To obtain these keys, you must dig inside the islands' ruins and fight for them. Once the story starts taking a different wing, MegaMan finally finds out just who he really is...a soldier from the Planet Xenoic sent to Earth to stop Lord Shaphwan from destroying the islands with one sweep of his mighty fist! ...okay, that that wasn't even close to the truth, but MegaMan is an ancient soldier whose prime mission was to defeat the ancient Mistress Sara. MegaMan's body was reconfigured to a baby after the battle, and was discovered in a ruin by Barrel on one of his digs. Data (the drumming monkey) spills everything later in the game, and a cut scene plays out revealing everything about MegaMan. He then goes to Elysium to reconnect with his past, and investigates the ancient technology.

In the end, MegaMan fights the final battle with an enormous Sara, and he is then stuck on Elysium. Meanwhile, the Bonnes have joined hands with MegaMan's gang to rescue him (yes, it's true). I didn't believe it myself at first, but the Bonnes and the Casketts are developing a rocket to try and get MegaMan down from up there.

BOTTOM LINE: This is a great improvement over the original, with the more precise plot line, and a detailed look at MegaMan's past. If you've played the original, you'll definitely be drilling your money into this. I give this game 8/10.
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