A rave review for a great comedy
26 January 2003
Super Troopers? Never heard of it. Then I saw it. Then I hit play again and watched it twice in a row. Sitting in an Airbase in Turkey, I knew I had found what would be our number one "cruise flick." The movie that all the officers of Fighting VAQ-134, could watch together, then spend the next few weeks quoting. One guy even got a callsign, "Farva." Perfect. There is a lot of great material to chew on all through the movie. The rivalry, pranks, and rookie bashing are things we cherish. And we can all relate to having that one guy around who drives you crazy. Many of my peers have already purchased the movie. And we have incorporated many of the quotes into our cinematically based lingo.

My recommendation is to grab a bunch of friends, maybe some cold beverages, and have a good time. You just may want to become a Highway Patrolman.
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