one of the funniest scenes I've seen in a long time
19 March 2004
Okay, this movie has some problems, but there are some great things about it. In general, the cast is really good and the chemistry between the two leads is great. There is an oral sex scene in there that is hilarious (as is the actor playing the blowee -- bill dawes) and there are some nice performances all around. The tunnel carpal subplot could go away as far as I'm concerned, and so could that character. Introducing a character who has just used his t-shirt to wipe himself is not the best way to endear said character to the audience. Malena is also very beautiful and I wouldn't be surprised if she became the next it girl. The director, Dan Kaye, has made a decent first film and I'm curious to see what he does in the future. Hopefully, he will get out of the myopic and well-tred world of actors and artist in New York trying to figure out what to do with their lives. All in all, a sweet film worth watching.
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