On a scale from 1 to 10, I give it negative 1 billion...
1 December 2002
Wow, I haven't walked out of a movie in a loooooooong time. This movie was just so utterly abysmally bad, I couldn't stomach more than the first half hour (and I'm an MST3K fan, I'm quite used to bad movies). It's nice that Adam Sandler can commit excessive felonies, flagrant destruction of property, assault, and other breaches of the law, and be sentenced (as a repeat offender, mind you) to community service as a basketball coach. Even the REAL justice system isn't that screwed up! And of course there's the pants peeing, the old woman with three breasts, the midget who has repeated seizures and it's considered funny, especially when Sandler steps on his chest... That really puts me in the spirit of the Holidays (and undoubtedly the trite, idiotic ending would be that Sandler learns a valuable lesson, probably through the love of a woman that completely ignores what a jerk he is, and changes his ways, like he does in all his movies...). The thing that saddens me the most is that some studio executive actually saw fit to greenlight this piece of garbage : "He smashes cars and steals Christmas presents? It's gold!"
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