Dog Soldiers (2002)
miles better than trashy american horror.
31 March 2003
having been one of the few people in my area who was supporting this movie from the very start, I am glad to say that my support was never unfounded. this film had me gripped from the very beggining, with it's non-stereotyped characters, and atypical action.

although the plot does very closely resemble "aliens", it never once felt cloying, and the same tense atmosphere that made "Blair witch project" so watchable is used to far better effect here. you rarely see the actual werewolves themselves in more than two second flashes, and for this reason their badly made costumes never really dissapoint you. the fact that the film uses very little, if no CG effects in no way detracts from it.

even the "wolf-vision" camera, which would be corny as hell in another film, feels right here, because through it you still manage to empathise with the actual characters of the film, and you do feel like you're being hunted.

once the actual action starts, the film only improves more. the fact that black comedy prevails all the way through the films is part of it's immense charm, and rather than detracting from the action, the nervous comic banter only serves to draw you in even more. you genuninely feel for these characters.

even the more corny scenes (fistfightin an 8-foot tall wolf, anyone?0 fell good, because it's a desperate situation. this moveie feels exactly how it should feel, and proves that you can have a horror movie that doesnt involve a bunch of whining teenagers getting killed by the person who everyone could blatantly see was the killer from the very start of the movie.

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