Trapped: Buried Alive (2002 TV Movie)
Entertianing for the most part
21 May 2002
Trapped beneath the snow is mildly entertaining if you happen to have two hours with nothing better to do. Jack Wagner (Trapped in Space, Nowhere to Land) stars as a father who is on vacation with his new wife and teenage daughter at a mountain resort. Through a series of planned detonations, an avalanche is triggered, coming right down on the resort where people are inside, including Wagner's wife and daughter. Most of the film is dedicated to Wagner and a group of men trying to rescue the trapped victims. The most exciting scenes involve the avalanche, watching the powerful ice descent down the mountain. The special effects are done very well, and these scenes are very realistic, similiar to those in Vertical Limit. There is also a subplot between the teenage daughter and stepmom. The daughter's real mom has died relatively recently, and she refuses to accept her dad's new wife. There are some good emotional moments throughout the movie. The acting is decent, and the movie has an overall feel of a movie of the week, but it's enjoyable.
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