This movie is much better than you've read
4 April 2004
I used to get Cinemax. They used to show Andy Sidaris's trashy, low-budget, sexy-girl-detective films. They were perfectly awful. The action scenes were not well-done, and the Playmates -er- actresses who played the snoopers couldn't act their way out of a phone booth. The women were boring even when they took off their clothes, which was often.

"Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" is what those movies could have been like if only they had a) women who could act, b) smart stunts, and c) a well-rounded script full of both humor and action.

It is a male fantasy come to life, this sequel. The Angels are hot as hell, yet they could each be the girl next door. Their boyfriends are not GQ posers, but regular guys. The Angels are really the Three Musketeers with bods to die for (or from).

The action scenes defy description. A couple of them rival those of the Bond films in terms of grandeur and effect. Very few non-Bond movies dare to aim that high. This one does and pulls it off in spectacular fashion.

What holds CA:FT together, though, is not its flash, but its heart. These women really like each other (so do the actresses; you can't fake the sincerity of their mutual on-screen affection). They would do anything for their comrades. They even hang out together when they are not on a case. In fact, one of the plot points involves one of the Angels walking away for a time, fearing that someone from her past may do harm to the others. There is a total lack of cynicism in the script; maybe the cuddliness wouldn't have been there if this had been another Lethal Weapon film, but that is the point- the Angels can get a little more emotional because they ARE women, which adds a whole other dimension to the character development.

Those who don't like this film shouldn't have been expecting "Masterpiece Theatre." To paraphrase another IMBD poster- it's not brain surgery you're looking at here. It's a first-rate Hollywood action movie, but one that stars three women- maybe you have a problem with the fact that they could kick your butt without breaking a nail.

So rent it once- it's the version of "Malibu Express" where the actresses are more talented the more they leave their clothes ON.

(Note: If you are a guy, buy it, but don't watch it with your mate unless she is open-minded about you drooling all over the sofa at the sight of the Angels dancing at a strip club).
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