White Teeth (2002– )
27 October 2002
I found the four-part adoption of Zadie Smith's novel White Teeth fantastic. I thought the first two parts were more serious then the last two but the plot was more obscure. I thought Christopher Simpson was brilliant as Millat and Magid. I have never seen him before in anything else but his acting was great as he really made his unrealistic characters believable and unforgettable. He had an amazing talent of making the audience believe in these two totally different people.

After watching each part, I found my self-counting the days till the next instalment. I got really involved in the narrative but all the way through the series I felt as if I were watching a story meant for a book because of the extreme situations and characters. The plot was unbelievable at times but that did not spoil it at all but on the contrary made it more entertaining and exhilarating. I thought that having Archi Panjabi play Samad's wife Alasana played by Om Puri, was a bit outrageous and ridiculous because she played his daughter in East Is East. The third part had more of an impact on me and brought me back wanting more. The last part was more humorous than anything, I did begin to think that the plot was going to get really serious but it didn't. I loved the unpredictability of it. It was fantastical. A must see.*_*
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