Review of Spartan

Spartan (2004)
Took awhile, but liked it
13 August 2004
This one almost didn't make my "20-minute test." Maybe I suffer from ADD, but it seems many of the movies I've rented over the last ten years have left me wondering what the heck is going on. That happened with this one, too...early on...but the pace quickly picked up and began to pique my interest. After a short while, I was hooked on the plot, which, in a nutshell involves the kidnapping of a high U.S. government official's daughter, presumably at his behest (she was cramping his style). Other than the first 10 minutes or so, it kept my attention and didn't drag at all. Val Kilmer's performance was commendable, as was that of Ed (Al Bundy) O'Neill, who seems to have escaped his Married With Children albatross quite nicely, and is a fine dramatic actor. It ain't Casablanca, but it's definitely worth the DVD rental and an evening at home curled up on the couch. 7/10.
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