Line of Fire (2003–2005)
Ridiculous story line
23 January 2004
Why, why, why, why in hell do the writers have to engage in the homosexual story line. I've seen this before on a much better written and acted show, and I'm sure most will agree, "The Shield". I know it's the first episode but come on it's the same character. Agent Amiel Macarther is having sex with guys but doesn't want to admit he's gay. Hmmm certainly sounds like Julian from The Shield. So far the only difference is Amiel is white and has been in law enforcement for years, and Julian was black and a rookie. Personally I don't think this show needs to create this story line when they haven't really nailed down a main story line. I mean come on the fact that the FBI is out to get Malloy does not constitute a story line ok, that is a main theme. The only thing that they have is an undercover agent. It's been what 8 or 9 episode now and they haven't even gotten close to Malloy. So far 90% of the episodes have been far to predictable and I don't see this series last more than a year or two unless they really start to get down to brass tacks

"Thats my story and I'm sticking to it"
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