"What happened to the post war dream?"(possible spoilers)
29 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I know I'm going to be getting a lot or criticism about this movie; at least I think I am, so here we go. First of all, FAHRENHEIT 9/11 is a documentary. Now I know some people are going to be saying, "Documentary!?!?! What are you nuts?!?!? This movie is very bias and one sided!" Ah yes, that's true. This movie is very one sided. However, aren't most documentaries one sided? THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE (a great documentary) discusses what a great man Robert Evans was for Hollywood. THE FOG OF WAR, McNamara's view of the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam War. SUPER SIZE ME, the American consumption of fast food is damaging our health. These three films are all considered documentaries, and they all take one side of the issue. The only recent documentary that I can think of that stays in the middle of an issue and gives the facts, is the excellent ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER. But FAHRENHEIT 9/11 is indeed quite a movie to see because Michael Moore does bring up questions about our "War on Terror." The beginning of the film was very satirical with the results of the 2000 election with Al Gore announced as the winner and stating "Was this really a dream?" Then the first eight months of what Bush did in office by going on vacation a lot (which I do remember, Bush was usually on vacation). Then the very tragic day of September 11th 2001. Moore does a great job with this film by not actually showing the iconic images of 9/11 with the planes hitting the World Trade Center towers. Instead he just shows a pitch-black screen with the audio noises of 9/11. I've been talking to quite a few people about this scene and I've received a lot of interpretations of this. "We've seen the images so much that it is in our memories forever." "Giving us the feel of what it must have been like for the people who were in the WTC towers, with chaos and confusion." Then Moore shows us the horror and look on the people's faces as they look up towards the sky, bawling at what they were witnessing. Moore then shifts focus with the Bush family and their connections to the Bin Laden family. Now quite a few people will be denying that the Bush family had anything to do with the Bin Laden's, but Moore does discuss business deals and partnerships that were shown with photos and clippings from newspapers that do give pretty good support of his argument (I've taken a university argumentation class last spring and Moore does give evidence and warrants for his claims). Plus seeing a video footage of Rumsfield shaking hands with Hussein in 1983 does make the viewer question the Bush Administration's past. Moore does explain other issues including the infamous, going to war on terror, by going to war on Iraq issue. It is interesting to see a different side on the War in Iraq compared to major news networks repetitive footage of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, with the troops standing around like police officers, or seeing a tank roll by. Moore shows the viewer footage of some of the U.S. soldiers excitement of power and control. Such as the scene where a solider discusses blasting a heavy metal song that has the lyric "the roof is on fire." While other scenes show other U.S. soldier who question why the Iraqis don't seem pleased that the U.S. troops are over there. Then when footage is shown of children killed and houses destroyed, you begin to wonder yourself. FAHRENHEIT 9/11 does have some very emotional scenes, such as Lila Lipscomb's story, a Flint, Michigan resident whose son was killed in Iraq. One can't help but feel emotional and supportive of Mrs. Lipscomb. Then when Mrs. Lipscomb arrives at the White House in tears, only to have a Bush/Iraq supporter harass Lipscomb by saying "this is

all staged!" A viewer can't help but to show pain and anger at the same time. Or shock and anger when a Taliban official was visiting the White House in early 2001, and a female reporter comments how horrible the women in Afghanistan. Only to have the Taliban official make a comment, "I feel sorry for you husband with what he has to go though with you." Or the scene with President Bush sitting in the Florida classroom for an extra 7 minutes reading along with the class "My Pet Goat" as Moore gives commentary with "what was Bush thinking at the time?" FAHRENHEIT also has some very hysterical scenes, Paul Wolfowitz footage before getting ready for a TV interview by placing the teeth of a comb in his mouth to pat his hair down, then licking his hand to pat the hair down again. Some of the footage of the comments that Bush makes including the comment "you are my home base." John Ashcroft singing the very hysterical song "Let the Eagle Soar." And my personal favorite, Britney Spears smacking her gum and giving allegiance to G.W. After watching FAHRENHEIT 9/11, I put on my copy of the Pink Floyd (or mostly Roger Waters) album THE FINAL CUT. FINAL CUT is a concept album about the scarred memories of wars from the past and the continuation of war right now. the album was released in 1983, and it's disturbing how the message still stands 21 years later. THE FINAL CUT is an excellent companion piece to listen to after viewing FAHRENHEIT 9/11. Although FAHRENHEIT is not as humorous or entertaining as Moore's BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE. Yet, FAHRENHEIT, I feel is a better and more important picture than COLUMBINE. FAHRENHEIT deals with our leaders, the people who control the free world. Yet do our leaders deserve the creditability they get from the media? (especially the Fox News Network). Legendary filmmaker Jean Luc-Godard said, "The way to criticize a film is to make another film." So if Conservatives are upset with FAHRENHEIT 9/11, why don't they make a movie supporting Bush and the war in Iraq earlier? Now that FAHRENHEIT was #1 at the box office, the Republican Party is making a Bush documentary. I am willing to see the film, however, I am curious to see how well they use their warrants and evidence with the claims they make on how great a President G.W. is. Michael Moore has said on numerous interviews that he only had one objective with FAHRENHEIT 9/11, to get people to vote in this November's election. Now whether you support Moore or not, no one can't deny that because of this film, people are ready to go out and vote this November. Too bad this movie wasn't released in October. But if pro-Moore and pro-Bush supporters are registering and ready to vote this November because of FAHRENHEIT 9/11, then THAT is where this movie has succeeded! If you are an anti-Bush person, then you should see this film.

If you are a pro-Bush person, you should still see this movie. The only way to win an argument is to listen to what the opposing side has to say, which most Bush supporters I know are not doing, that is why most of the claims of their arguments aren't valid. And even if you don't support Moore of Bush, still see this movie. If you don't agree with what Moore is saying, then discuss and investigate his claims. That way you are at least informed with what is going on in our government and world. Again, that is where Moore and FAHRENHEIT succeed. DON'T MISS THIS MOVIE! ***** (out of five)
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