Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (I) (2003 Video Game)
Better than I thought
20 March 2004
I've seen a review for this game in Game Informer Magazine, and saw that they gave this game an unearthly 5.75/10 score, which turned me away from this game, since I normally listen to their opinions. I rented out this game anyway just last night, and boy, was I in for a surprise.

This game was actually better than such a score. The mag gave Dawn of Fate a higher score, and that was WORSER than this! T3 was very well-done in my opinion, and is probably the greatest Atari achievement to date. The graphics are spectacular, and the sound is bearable (the Terminator theme song is also here, which adds to the sound goodness). Even though gameplay is SAID to be frustrating, once you start getting into it, you will not have a problem at all. Speaking of the gameplay, the environments are interactive, but don't expect everything to blow wide open upon smacking it with a Micro Rocket Launcher. Also, if you press the Select button, you can go into the T-850's famous Infrared Vision mode, allowing you to see just what a Terminator would see. I'm only on the first few levels of the game, but it's already looking very nice. Also, if you play through the game enough, you will be able to unlock two classic Atari games, "Centipede" and "Missile Command." They can be unlocked through cheat passwords, but you can also find their arcade consoles lying around some levels (so far I've only found the Missile Command game).

The disc also includes a demo of T3: Redemption, and upcoming Terminator game. From what I've played on the demo, Redemption looks VERY good enjoyable, which is actually a level where you get to play as the T-850 (this time in 3rd-Person view) and track-shoot your way through, allowing you to fire your weapon and control the vehicle at the same time, also being able to acquire new vehicles to commandeer (even enemy vehicles!). It seems as though Atari is going to further places with the Terminator than one would expect.

One more thing: I take back what I said about this game in my Operation: Surma review. I played O:S BEFORE playing this game, and I was just running off with what I've been told about this game.

T3: Rise of the Machines--7.25/10 T3: Redemption Demo--8/10
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