Get Well Soon (2001)
37 Minutes
21 October 2004
I tried to watch this movie twice, after I borrowed it from the library, but failed to watch more than 37 minutes of it. I curtailed my first attempt because the characters were too annoying, and the plot didn't seem to be going anywhere. The second time I attempted to watch it, I simply fell asleep. After that, I decided not to torture myself with it anymore!

The hook comes when the protagonist, a talk show host named Bobby, introduces a supermodel on his show. Played by Carolina Parsons, this gorgeous model sachets onto the set in a miniskirt and a suggestive halter top, and, if you're a heterosexual man like I am, the most natural thing for you to think would be how much you'd like to have sex with her.

Bobby, floundering for any interest he might have in common with the model, comments that she shares his initials. She "guesses" that's true. Finally, Bobby gives up trying to sound intellectual with such a beautiful woman he can't think of anything to talk to about except the obvious (sex), and just tells her he'd like to "f***" her.

She and the stage crew are startled.

He follows up his crude remark with more crude remarks, about how much sex she probably has, and how tired she must be of sex.

She gets up and leaves. He is forcibly removed from the set.

Other than this scene, this movie seems to be a collection of home video clips of boring, pathetic people, including Lily, played by Courteney Cox, who also played Meryl on Seinfeld. This is apparently par for her course, because Seinfeld himself admitted that his TV series was about nothing.

If you enjoy watching footage about nothing, such as episodes of Seinfeld, then you will probably find this movie entertaining. If, however, you're like me and never could stand watching an entire episode of Seinfeld because it was so obviously about nothing, then you are not likely to enjoy this movie either.
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