Review of Last Summer

Last Summer (1969)
Unbelievable Coming of Age Flick!
23 October 2004
One of the best movies in this genre I have ever seen; right up there with "Summer of 42", "Malena", etc. Truly funny but poignant at the right time; great performances by the leads and the unheard of Catherine Burns. Wow! Only problem is it's not on DVD and maybe not even VHS. One of my favorite movies is "Strangers When We Meet" (Kim Novak, Kirk Douglas, Barbara Rush, Walter Matthau); the book was written by Evan Hunter and, what do you know, it was only 30 yr. after 'Last Summer' came out that I find out "Last Summer' is based on a novel by Evan Hunter. Guess a leopard can't change his spots. You will not regret viewing this movie when on the tube or if available in some media format.
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