Love this yummy little Gay Comedy!
22 December 2004
What can I say. With the number of newer "Gay Cinema" films being released there are some that are just down right FUN! This is one of them. No serious or ominous meanings to glean from this delicious little gem, just sit back and enjoy the silly, and quite funny ride.

There are two REALLY GREAT LINES in this film which I treasure greatly. The lusciously Titian like fag hag in this film is delightfully screwball and says at one point referring to their new apartment..."It's FABULOUS, and I don't use the F word lightly"! How funny is that? She also remarks in a plaintive voice..." Whatever happened to Disco? I loved disco. It had VIOLINS"! How fun! This is well worth a rental anytime. 3 and 1/2 stars out of 4. Clive2
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