Wild Zero (1999)
15 January 2005
I know I use the word 'awesome' frequently in my reviews, and frequently refer to other movies as some "the awesomest movies ever" (see 'Battlefield Baseball' or 'Volcano High'). I can't help it if I watch all these awesome movies. This is where 'Wild Zero' comes in: Simply put, 'Wild Zero' is so indescribably awesome that it defies the description of 'awesome'. There is no other way to describe the awesomeness that is 'Wild Zero'.

'Wild Zero' is a documentary starring Japanese rock band Guitar Wolf. I wouldn't have thought it to do be a documentary, but Guitar Wolf said it was so*, and who am I to doubt them? They saved us from zombies and an alien invasion. All hail Guitar Wolf! 'Wild Zero' starts with Guitar Wolf (the guitarist, not the band) enraging a night-club owner, and in the middle of a stand-off, Guitar Wolf (the band) are saved by a wannabe rocker named Ace. Guitar Wolf (the guitarist) pledges to be a rock n' roll blood-brother with Ace, handing him a whistle only to be used when Ace needs the help of Guitar Wolf. On his way to a gig in Asahi, Ace and other random characters are attacked by zombies. Now only Guitar Wolf can save the world from zombies and aliens. Awesome.

I noticed other users referring to this as the 'ultimate B-movie' and whatever. I disagree. This is the ultimate awesome movie. Well, it would be if it wasn't a documentary. Either way, 'Wild Zero' has everything that all aspiring awesome movies need: rock n' roll, zombies, many exploding heads, guitar-swords, and the best reference to 'Psycho' ever. Ignore all comments about acting, Guitar Wolf are just being themselves (with alcohol and swearing toned down, so I've read). Awesome.

10/10 - some people might disagree with my comments. 'Wild Zero' may not be a well-made 'movie', but it is so incredibly awesome, and in the end, awesomeness is what really matters.

*Ok, I found that from a website reviewing 'Wild Zero'. I read through a few interviews with Guitar Wolf, and they didn't specifically say that, although they did similar things. In fact, everything they had to say was awesome.
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