Review of The Con

The Con (1998 TV Movie)
WOW! This movie is...
21 February 2005
I was flipping around the channels the other day when I came across this particular movie. I saw in the credits that it had Rebecca DeMornay and William Macy in it so it had to be somewhat decent. I started to watch it and it was a little slow at first trying to get the story going. It later picks up and before you know it, it's over! I liked the storyline once it got going. I've seen other DeMornay films and I hadn't seen this one yet. They really can't compare to each other. You hear a lot about Willim Macy and all his films but I have never seen any of his stuff until now. Man! Is he a great actor or what! This movie has it's good points and it's bad points. It's definitely worth watching!
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