War Story
22 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't include a synopsis of the story in my comments. But I see that I am the first comment on this film.

An American young woman schoolteacher in rural China is entrusted with half of an amulet by her wounded brother. This amulet has to be delivered to the US in order to allow money to be delivered, changing the direction of the war.

A Russian spymaster is after her, in fact he shot down her brother. Once in Shanghai, she ties up with two men. She marries one as a ploy to get out of the country. Most of the male characters here are Irish-American.

Meanwhile, the local Japanese occupier strongman is also after the amulet. So there are lots of gunfights and near escapes, including a speedboat under a trap door. All this is in the context of lots of war footage: bombings and burning buildings.

The second gent turns out to be an agent who arranges for a happy ending by working a trick with the amulet's hiding place.

All in all, it is rather ordinary fare.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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