The Crush (1993)
A Sexy Villain Sells this Movie
12 March 2005
In her film debut,the attractive Alicia Silverstone plays Darian Forrester,a mentally disturbed 14 year old girl who develops an unhealthy obsession with her neighbour,Nick Eliot (Cary Elwes)a baby faced blonde hair,blue eyed journalist who has no sexual interest in her.Silverstone shines in her role as the villain,making life hell for Nick,who wants nothing more than a friendship with the girl next door.Darian's desperate attempts to seduce the older man are unsuccessful,driving her deeper into her obsession and making her more psychotic.Silverstone's acting is superb,but her facial expressions are what is so convincing about her performance.Alicia superbly transforms herself from sweet and innocent into scary and psychotic giving new meaning to the phrase,'When she was good she was very very good,and when she was bad she was horrid'. The film has you on the edge of your seat as the plot unravels,and truths are discovered about sweet little Darian Forrester who is crazier than anyone thought.Her anger at Nick for leading her on goes to the extreme until she comes up with a plan she hopes will destroy his reputation.Nick is oblivious to Darian's feelings for him and believes its nothing more than a silly school girl crush that will pass until he discovers just how dangerous Darian really is.
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