Review of Probe

Probe (1988)
Another Gem...
17 March 2005
The first time I watched an episode of this series, I was "zapping" through the channels, looking for anything worth watching, and got it running, missing maybe five minutes from the beginning of the show. The script was so wonderful that I got caught immediately. The complexity of the characters were captivating and, soon, I had myself into the story, even missing the beginning of the episode. Only in the next week, when I watched another episode, that time from the very beginning, I found out that the responsible for that wonderful series was Isaac Asimov, the greatest science fiction writer of all time. Yes, surely there are fantastic stories from other writers, like "Dune" by Frank Herbert, "Ripples in The Dirac Sea" by Geoffrey A. Landis, "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke, "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card, "Contact" by Carl Sagan and many others, but while those are precious pearls from a dozen writes, most (if not all) of Asimov stories are precious gemstones, he could not only produce wonderful stories, but lots of them! It's a pity when you get some masterpiece concepts like those in "I, Robot" collection by Asimov and waste them with a movie like "I, Robot"...

Oh, but not this time! This series didn't have high-end visual effects or some Hollywood super star obfuscating the viewers from what is important in the movie... No, it had excellent stories, wonderful scripts and not very well known actors, but good ones nonetheless.

This series proved one thing, good science fiction doesn't require complicated explanations to impossible arguments, just good ideas and a fine tuning of the elements...
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