One my favorite shows....
18 March 2005
I was 12 yrs old when this show was on. I remember it was one of my favorite shows back then. I watched it religiously. One day I realized it never came back on. It had been canceled, but I was still always looking for reruns. All I can remember from it is the sense of fantasy, and spookiness. You can only find those good, supernatural shows during Halloween season. And hardly even then these days. But with that show, you got that Halloween feel every week, even though it wasn't Halloween season.

Looking on this website, I saw for the first time that it was created by Wes Craven. As soon as I saw that, I knew why I liked it so much. I loved how when they opened the door to the café, there was nothing but space....literally....Outerspace....nowhere. That was awesome for a young mind to fathom. I just really loved that show and I wish that I could see it again.
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