Review of Recoil

Recoil (1998)
He was our baby... and you threw him out in the street!
9 April 2005
(There Are Spoilers) Inept yet very unintentionally funny police drama about a big time mobsters son who instead working as a top man and white collar executive in the family business gets hooked up with a bunch of local bank robbers and ended up being shot to pieces after an half hour shoot-out and car chase that destroyed half of downtown L.A.

Big time mob boss Vincent Sloan gets the bad news on the TV that his hot-headed and crazy son Marcus was gunned down after the biggest shootout in L.A history that also cost the lives of four of his co-bank robbers pals.

Finding out the names of the five policemen who did in poor Marcus the Sloan Mob rubs out within two days four of them leaving only the cop who actually put Marcus in the city morgue Det. Ray Morgan as the only surviving Marcus shooter.

Tracking Det. Morgan with the help of the police brass, who are really working with the Sloan Mob, the gangsters end up killing Morgans wife and two children after shoving his van with them down a cliff, Det. Morgan though badly hurt survived. Being placed at Father Navarras Holy Innocence Missonery outside L.A by his partner Det. Cassidy, in order not to have the corrupt cops tip off the Sloan Mob where he is. Ray slowly recovers and then takes on the entire Sloan Mob.

Ridicules story thats so bad that it's funny with Morgan in a number of incredible car chases and shoot-outs, that look like they were done without the use of computer photography enhancement, that make up for the terrible acting and unbelievable storyline with Morgan seeming to pop up and disappear out of and into thin air in many of the scenes he's in. There's a number of shoot-out where the bad guys are shooting round after round straight at Morgan, who in many cases is no more the ten feet away from them, but never could hit him. It's as if he has an invisible force field around him.

Taking out most of the Sloan Mob and two of his sons, Andrew and Devon, Morgan has it out with the remaining mobster at their drug/coke factory outside the city at the end of the movie. Knocking off almost half of the mobsters at the factory before the top hoods even know that he's there Morgan blasts and kicks away at the remaining mobsters, as well as their police cohorts. Turuing both mob chieftain Vincent Sloan and his remaining son Nicky into toast and grill cheese by the time the film is over.

The crooked cops working for the Sloan Mob are so bad and ineffective that they only help Morgan in putting the Slone's mobsters, as well as themselves, out of business. Gary Daniels as Det. Ray Morgan is very good in the action sequences but when it calls for him to show any feelings or emotions he comes across looking has if he's having a very severe attack of gastro-enteritis.

What I think was the acting highlight of the movie was that of the hysterical and uncontrollable Robin Curtis playing mobster Vincent Sloane wife Julie. Curtis was so corny and off-the-wall in her scenes where she screamed shirked and pleaded, very unconvincingly, for Vince to get out of the crime business that her actions looked like they came straight out of the Madonna & Brittany Spear school of bad acting.
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