Like "Metropolis" on crack
11 April 2005
Visually intriguing, logically confounding. After viewing _Bunker_ twice, I've yet to make any sense of the plot. It seems to be a psychological commentary on the causes of madness, using an isolated military brigade as a subject group. Beyond that, your guess is as good as mine as to what's going on. Perhaps that is the intent--that we be dragged into this bizarre, nonsensical madhouse with no real grasp of stability. If so, mission accomplished.

The cinematic style is compelling. It's very Metropolis-esquire (haha IMDb's auto-spell-checker keeps changing E-S-Q-U-E to ESQUIRE... sorry folks) with Jeunet/Caro's own brand of macabre sarcasm thrown in. Fans of Jeunet/Caro will recognize certain raw images and a few sound effects that will reappear in _City of Lost Children_. Everyone else will probably be irritated and possibly incensed to violent madness themselves. They may throw mashed potatoes at you.

Note: there is no dialogue and no music. So you really need to work hard to keep up. If you make it through the entire film with some sense of understanding, please comment and let me know what the @#% is going on.
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