Warning about "Deadly China Hero"
15 May 2005
First of all, I'd like to make it clear that I'm commenting on the "Deadly China Hero" version of this movie, which apparently is several minutes shorter than the "Last Hero In China" version. The latter may be a decent movie; the former is just as bad as "Kung Fu Cult Master", if not worse. No self-respecting adult can possibly enjoy this silly trash; no kid can possibly understand it. There is much more wire-fu than kung-fu here: when people are in the air, they either float or they go UP, not down. As for the plot, it's something about evil monks and kidnapped women and a mysterious temple and a lion-dancing vs. centipede-dancing contest...it's totally impossible to follow. Oh, and the picture quality is awful. I don't know about "Last Hero In China", but "Deadly China Hero" is a "zero stars" movie all the way.
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