Pretty Good Adaptation
17 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
There aren't really any spoilers here, unless one has never read the books, which is probably not too likely. But, I just wanted to be safe since I do point out a couple events in the cartoon.

Babar: King of the Elephants is really a pretty good adaptation of the books to a cartoon, basically telling the events that are in some of the first few Babar books. The stories and characters are displayed faithfully, telling the events very much as they happen in the books, basically staying true to the stories, the themes, and the characters. There is some conflict, but it is mild and very appropriate even for the youngest of children.

This film is not great art and it is nothing special in terms of animation, etc., but it is solid and gets the job done. The result is fairly entertaining, although a little more child-oriented than adults might like. Some scenes in particular are done quite well, such as the beginning with the "jungle" noises, the singing birds, and the credits, as well as the scene where Babar's mom is shot. On the other hand, some musical sequences like "getting the job done" as Babar makes his city are a little corny and definitely only kids are likely to appreciate it.

I also want to add that I find this film far superior to the apparently more loved and well-known "Babar the Movie" and that one should not be confused between the two. In terms of style, animation, etc., the two are very similar, and a lot of the same people worked on both. However, Babar the Movie inexplicably strays from the stories, totally messing with the events as portrayed in the books. One example is that in Babar the Movie, Babar is a very young, and apparently reluctant, king at first, seemingly thrust into the position, and without Celeste as queen. This is completely different from the books, and this film, where Babar, although chosen king, is mature by then; is the one who makes the elephant society "complex" and urban, etc.; and marries Celeste as soon as he becomes king and before he builds the city. Moreover, the "war" with the rhinos in Babar the Movie is more violent, so it is not as good for really young children, and it is inexplicable and apparently senseless, unlike the fight in this movie or the first books. The story and conflict in Babar the movie may be based on some of the latest books in the series, but not any of the books I have read, and it differs in story and spirit from the Babar books with which I am familiar. Babar: KLing of the Elephants may be a little more "cutesy" than the books, and suffers for this, but it does basically stay faithful to them.
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