Flying Tigers (1942)
A film about a real man whose real name was Claire, played by a real man whose real name was Marion
25 May 2005
There's just not enough pure and shameless propaganda out there, so here's a perfect example. The attack on Pearl Harbor brought the US into the war and made national heroes out of the real-life Flying Tigers and their commander Claire Chennault, who as paid warriors in the Chinese air force were the only Americans already fighting the Japanese on 7 December 1941. John Wayne was swiftly hired to play the pilot mercenary leader in a propaganda movie a year later. I once tried to sum up the movie for the Daily Mirror's TV listings as a film "about a real man whose real name was Claire, played by a real man whose real name was Marion". The chief sub cut and replaced it with the words: "Standard John Wayne war movie" instead. Which is what it is, and none the worse for it.
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