Review of The Bait

The Bait (1995)
A film in search of a genre
11 June 2005
"Fresh Bait" is all about a beautiful 18 year old French "good time girl" who becomes involved in a scheme which her boy friend hatches to get capital to start a retail business in the US. Things go wrong resulting in murder and more. This flick offers good but not great casting, direction, production value, etc. but fails in story. Not suited to any genre, "Fresh Bait" plods along with too much redundancy, runs too long, bogs down in miscellany which doesn't propel the plots forward, and becomes so ludicrous as to be funny when it's supposed to be serious. Only the very poignant final scene reveals the serious nature of the film which it failed to develop during it's run time. Passable stuff only for French film buffs who've seen all the good stuff. (B-)
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