Still to this day it stands out as a different movie
24 July 2005
Not since this movie came out in the theaters have I seen it,sixteen years old I stayed to see it twice.Being part of a basic downtown Oakland movie crowd the battle scenes went a long way to getting my thumbs up.After so many years of viewing Indians vs pioneers ,vs cavalry,vs davy crockett and old Betsy, vs etc.....here was a movie where all characters were Indians.Along with this different storyline and non-Indian actors I had to remind myself the first 1/3 of the movie"This is a movie about Indians vs Indians".Then to really make things different all the tribes seem to be situated south of El Paso.At the time I was aware there had been Aztecs in Mexico,it was much later that I heard of the Mayas,Toltecs,Olmecs,Mextecs and others.For that reason while viewing this movie I thought maybe Cortez and the Castillian hordes might come on the scene all of a sudden and go into their pillage and plunder act.Instead the enemy consisted of Leo Gordon and his hordes.The costumes,weapons and structures make this a movie about Indians.The movie is o.k. overall,the obvious non-Indian cast was a little difficult for me to take.Although Yul Brynner had a strong Olmec look his portrayal had some shortcomings.The most obvious one being when he has been captured.He's binded with long lengths of rope or leather ,the ends are being held by some guys about fifteen feet away.With a wild look on his face for every step he goes forward he lurches 3 or 4 sideways.More like he's a wild animal than a human being,maybe he got caught up in all the pounding drum beating,that'll do it every time.He also does his share of posing and posturing which all-in-all I think is his way of showing he's a proud savage warrior.Yul is a good guy and I've enjoyed him in other movies but watching him in this movie I can only think of one word-Ham.Despite that this movie is worth a look for being so different.
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