Dude, Why has Widget been forgotten?
1 September 2005
As a college student, conversations concerning old cartoons constantly come up. They bind us all together. It always starts with Ninja Turtles, then some Ducktales, classics like Thundercats and Transformers. But when we start delving into more obscure cartoons that we all loved, we all get really excited. Eek the Cat, that show that was on after Garfield, and of course, Captain Planet. I always surreptitiously bring up Widget the World Watcher and always I get blank stares, even after I describe the show and sing the theme song. I liked Widget way more than captain planet and they were usually on back to back. Now Captain Planet is fondly remembered and widget is completely forgotten. Why? BTW- my favorite episode was the one where everyone was lured into a mini-mall with no exits and they were all trapped in a consumerist lifestyle with no way out. Considering most cartoons go hand in hand with consumerist culture (duh, they're on TV,) I think it's pretty cool that this cartoon existed. I agree with the other guy who posted here, Widget is awesome. (And I too began to question whether I made Widget up.)
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