The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie
12 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off with the really good Oscar winning Knighty Knight Bugs, and continues being a pretty good Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies compilation film. It is basically a film of three parts. The first sees Yosemite Sam facing Hell and the Devil, unless he can bring back someone to replace him, this is obviously Bugs Bunny. The second part is a spoof of the Al Capone/Elliot Ness story called the Unmentionables starring Rocky and Mugsy gambling, trying to get a golden egg from Daffy Duck, and stealing the valuable Tweety Pie. The final part sees a spoof of the Oscar ceremony, called the Oswolds, with Bugs hosting and giving the awards to cartoons with The Three Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf, Sylvester and Tweety himself. Daffy Duck of course is jealous of not getting an award, and demands an entertainment fight with Bugs, and eventually, after killing himself, Bugs gives Daffy his Oswold statue. Daffy Duck was number 30, Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies number 20 and Bugs Bunny number 10 on The 100 Greatest Cartoons. Good!
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