If you liked Mr. Chips, you'll Love this One
12 September 2005
As a movie buff who is always trying to find good old British films, this was a joy and - surprise - it's in technicolor! It's very much in the tradition of the "pip pip 'ol boy" British movies that celebrate the spirit of a Britian that "ruled the waves." It's similarity to Goodbye Mr. Chips is that it uses flashbacks to tell the 40-year story of a career British officer and a German whom he at first dislikes but later befriends. A very young and very beautiful Deborah Kerr takes a trio of roles as their female love interests. Without giving too much away, the story is fascinating from the standpoint that these two men meet around 1902 and by the film's conclusion World War II is in full swing so it shows how both war and peace can complicate a friendship, especially when their respective countries are as historically intertwined as England and Germany. Each of the men are granted a couple of fine monologues, particularly the German as he tries to convince a British review board to grant him asylum against Hitler. The actor's name is Anton Walbrook and his career is worth a second look. The Americans come off as rather crass in their brief appearance but the "old school" British are positively saintly in their humanity. All-in-all, I think the director and producers tried to cram as much good propaganda (including a positive Negroe presence) into the film as they could. Good show, old man!
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