Don't Tell (2005)
The search of truth, even if it's painful
22 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After 62nd Venice Film Festival, where G. Mezzogiorno won the Coppa Volpi as best actress, the expectations were high.

The great side of *La Bestia Nel Cuore* is the plot. I'm tired to see Italian/foreign films with great actors and miserable plots (Love Actually,Good Will Hunting,The taste of others,Ricordati di me), but this time the chemistry cast/plot is perfect.

A young woman, Sabina (Mezzogiorno), suffers of frequent nightmares that could be related with her family past. Her brother (Lo Cascio)lives in USA, where he works as Italian Literature professor; Sabina knows the truth starts with him and decides to leave Rome and face a painful journey.

I think the Finocchiaro's role is absolutely stunning. Her tragicomic ups and downs lighten the weight of emotions and confers plural and positive meanings to the whole work.

Yes, it's not the perfection. Some scenes are useless and static, but the skill of the actors makes up for the faults of director.

Thought it's narrated with female point of view, I highly recommend *La Bestia nel Cuore* because the themes in it make all of us reflect. There are neither winners nor losers. Only a new consciousness of each life.

My vote: 8,5 / 10
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