White Noise (I) (2005)
The trailer was better than the movie!!
22 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was so very keen to get a good fright after i saw the trailer. How wrong i was. Firstly Keatons character was an arrogant idiot. His girlfriend, or whatever? was completely unconvincing as this idiots wife. Look I'm really bitter about this film. it was a ridiculous subject. totally unbelievable. It actually worries me that so many people are writing about this like it had some meaning or depth....get over it. it was rubbish. WHat happened in the end? who where those 3 figures? how many mums did that kid have? what the hell was that woman Ungers story? how did she survive that fall? I was in a room with others and we where all very angry at having our time and intelligence wasted. We tried to get a refund from the shop. we claimed false advertising for the trailer. Thats how much the movie sucked. Yeah we all have someone who has died and we hope that they are still with us, but this movie is a piece of fiction about a fairy tale subject. end of story.
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