Watch it Once every 5 or 10 years
19 October 2005
I caught this one on it's initial release after having read the book, and I can tell you, I couldn't wait. At that time, around 1981, the movie really struck me as fantastic -- kind of like John Waters' "Hairspray" did a few years later. I've since seen it or parts of it a zillion times and so it's more like the Wizard of Oz to me: I know it by heart and familiarity has made it a bit boring. UNLESS, I happen to be in just the right mood and then it's fresh again. Like "Oz" the scenes are legendary and in no time you'll have them down pat. It's fun to watch alone or with a crowd a la "Rocky Horror." When Joan shakes her empty flask in the station wagon on their way home after yanking Tina out of boarding school and says in response to Christina's comment that there is a liquor store around the corner, "I should have known you'd know where to find the boys AND the BOOZE" it's just classic. The film's got a million of 'em.
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