Surprisingly engaging movie
23 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had expected another typical HK police movie, but as the movie progressed I was very much corrected in my assumptions. As it was starring Eason Chan and a number of other "crazy/nonsensical movie" stars (i.e. actors specialising in doing silly movies), I thought it would be weird and typically insane, but how the story and the characters developed, it really made you feel for these characters. You felt pain when the little girl gets killed, you feel the same anguished vengeance as the best friend and the relatively crazy man cried (on separate occasions), you feel depressed & conflicted as the main cop character, and you feel hope and love overwhelm when the relatively crazy guy finds love. This movie actually touched me in a way, and was definitely not what I expected from my Saturday dose of HK cinema. :)] I actually recommend it. I never thought I'd recommend a Chan film, or any film with those crazy actors in it, but the movie is surprisingly engaging. Some parts seem unintentionally nonsensical (as in, "Stop running and just pull out your gun already! Shoot him!") but the movie is largely believable, and very moving.
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