21 October 2005
This just screened to a packed house (1300 seats) at the Austin Film Festival. Judging from the sound of the audience, everyone enjoyed this as much as I did. The only downside is laughs and shouts were so loud and so frequent I missed a lot of the lines. But that's OK, as I intend to see it again and buy the DVD.

KISS KISS BANG BANG is an outrageous send up of potboiler fiction and film noir, and works on every level. The direction is oustanding, the story engaging, and arguably the best performances by Robert Downing Jr and Val Kilmer.

The very first scene sets the story up well; it seems like a standard scene type, and then gives the cliché'd scene a bronx cheer. It continues to do so throughout the film, within the noir genre. You'll expect one thing, and it twists it around in some outrageous way.

Downey rarely delivers a less than outstanding performance, and his hapless Harry is one of his most memorable. His voiceovers alone are worth the price of admission.

Kilmer's portrayal of "Gay" Perry is sublime. This is the best performance of a gay character in recent memory. The character is the cynical, competent 'straight' man to Downey's bumbling Harry, who's good intention lead to particularly hellish moments.

Michelle Monaghan enthusiastically owns her role as the female lead, with brass of a potboiler heroine, and holds her own against the other two leads.
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