The Master (1992)
"Jet Li's The Master". Unintentionally Funny At Times, Due To The Dubbing And Dialog, But It's Still A Very Fun Martial Arts Film That I Enjoyed, The Fight Scenes Were Awesome
27 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is unintentionally funny at times, due to the dubbing and dialog, but it's still a very fun martial arts film, that i enjoyed, the fight scenes were fantastic!. All the characters are cool, and the story, is pretty good as well, plus Jet Li is simply amazing in this!.It's extremely violent at times, and the fight scenes were very brutal and realistic, however it does not take it'self too seriously, plus the opening was great, and very memorable!.Jerry Trimble is way cool!, as the main villain, and is one fantastic martial artist, and i thought the finale was really cool, with some wicked stunts!, plus the ending is very funny!. Some of the humor is quite bizarre but hilarious at the same time, and the dubbing and dialog had me cracking up, plus the main fight between Jet and Jerry Trimble was simply fantastic and very intense!. Jet and Crystal Kwok had great chemistry together, and the scene where Jet's character learns to drive is hilarious, plus the fight choreography was great. This is unintentionally funny at times due to the dubbing and dialog, but it's still a very fun martial arts film that i enjoyed, the fight scenes are awesome, i highly recommend this one!. The Direction is very good. Hark Tsui does a very good job here, with great camera work, fantastic angles, and keeping the film at a very fast pace!. The acting is good. Jet Li is amazing as always, and is amazing here, he is very funny, kicks that ass, had a neat character, had great chemistry with Crystal Kwok, seemed to be having fun, and was lots of fun to watch, however his dubbing is terrible! (Jet Rules!!!!). Wah Yuen is great as the master, he was intense, and is one good martial artist, i liked him a lot. Crystal Kwok is cute, and did fine with what she had to do,and also had great chemistry with Jet!. Jerry Trimble is very menacing as the main villain, and is a great martial artists,and is one scary dude!.Anne Rickets did what she had to adequately and was like ably perky. those 3 dudes, were funny too!. Rest of the cast do okay. Overall i highly recommend this one!, just expects lots of cheese!. ***1/2 out of 5
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