Confined and Boxed In
3 November 2005
Every time I watch this movie, I am more and more impressed with the range of ability that Natalie Wood exhibits. Terrific job on her part. As for the story itself, what really strikes me about "Inside Daisy Clover" is the countless times that she is alone, confined and boxed in. The entire time that Daisy is trying to break loose and make a noise in the world, she continuously finds herself practically jailed. The little booth where she makes her first records, the tiny shop where she sells star photos, the claustrophobic cabin she shares with "The Dealer," the sound room where she dubs "The Circus Is A Wacky World"--all of these create a sense of suffocation. With Daisy constantly placed in these pressure cookers, you just have to believe that sooner or later she is going to explode!
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