The persistence of memory and the mutability of time in the twilight zone...
3 November 2005
A bunch of store mannequins (from Neiman-Marcus or some such) dared to dream that they were humans spending an unusually chilly summer(there's this constant chatter about the pond freezing) in a sumptuously-appointed European spa. Problem is, they're a confused bunch--not knowing which is what, where, when with whom and which feelings/emotions go with which actions. The story randomly focuses on M, A and X (I'm sure other letters in the alphabet would have done just as well). A and X do a sort of protracted mating dance while M just looms menacingly. For all their dreaming and their imaginary conversations in elegantly-accented French, they can't leave behind the fact that they're store mannequins and can't keep themselves from posing in tuxes and fabulous Chanel gowns every chance they get while trying to make sense of what really happened last year at Marienbad. Or Frederiksbad. Or Baden-Salsa. Or is it going to happen next year and they're just imagining it already happened while in their putative dream state? I bought the VHS copy years ago and now have the DVD. I think I'll send my VHS copy to my old Prof in Creative Writing. She just might get inspired in striking a few poses in class while wearing Chanel knock-offs...
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