Book awesome, movie the icing on the cake
13 November 2005
Although the book was much better in my opinion, the movie was wonderful also. I couldn't put the book down, it pulled on my heart strings, and was very similar to how I believe things to work in the world. (everyone affecting everyone, every experience affecting everyone around it) Hey, this is one of my first posts, so don't be too hard on me if you don't agree. :) LOVED the book. Anyone read Tuesdays With Morrie yet? The book definitely has much more detail, as most "book to movies" do. The movie just helped me put it all into an image, and a good one, at that. I thought Jon Voight was perfect as the main character. Some ideas were disappointing, because most of us imagine heaven as place of miracles and happiness. This book and movie just shows us another concept of life after death.
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