Review of SubUrbia

SubUrbia (1996)
A long time favorite...
19 November 2005
I first saw subUrbia in probably 1997, and since then I have shared it with countless people and watched it plenty myself. Its not the sort of movie that you can put in, and then not really watch, to me it requires a bit more concentration. At th same time, the events that unfold for the characters in this movie always strike me. Another major bonus with this film is the issues it takes the time and consideration to cover, sexism, racism, classism, urban sprawl, the third world, and more... Its not a movie for people that don't want to see that ugly side of humans, but then all too often in day to day life the suburbs serve to show the ugly side of humans. Not a movie for children, and I wouldn't watch it with my grandma! Its a powerful and real story of life past high school, but not dealing with college. Of life feeling stuck, trapped, sometimes defeated in your current place, here suburbia. Its not a movie that offers a ton of hope, but its a powerful movie nonetheless!
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