Stupidest sequel ever
20 November 2005
Trite, lame sequel that stomps on the legacy of an above-average thriller. Many scenes are rehashed from the original, and there's an annoying yellow color scheme that looks like someone urinated on the camera lens. The only really significant thing is that they make it clear the Hitcher is a supernatural being who can assume any human form, which takes away from the mystery of Rutger Hauer's character in the original.

But the really confusing part of this movie is when Jim Halsey's girlfriend becomes the heroine after...JIM DIES. What in God's name were they thinking? You can't take the lead character from the previous movie and kill him off in the sequel! It's just not right! What if Indiana Jones had died halfway through "Temple of Doom" and Kate Capshaw took over? (It's actually a bit of a relief from Howell's ridiculous acting, but still, it's the principle of the thing.)

And then there's the dialog. Oh Lordy, the dialog. "Honey, you can't go around shootin' people just because they're wacko." And how about this timeless gem from a police officer: "Sir, would you step back, I'm doing some law enforcement here."

All in all, it's just a bad movie that didn't need to be made. Stick with the first one.
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