Actioner movie with great loads of gun-play and explosion
30 November 2005
The picture talks about the valiant and brave Delta Force commando constituted by Jim Fitzpatrick,Greg Collins,Bryan Genesse, among others . They are assigned to track down a nasty villain, a Colombian dope-lord that for vengeance hijacks a nuke underwater with ominous purports. The group must battle till vanquish in this overly actioner movie.

This interesting movie is tense and exciting ,at time entertaining and with quite budget. Standard action-packed picture ,plenty of explosion,derring-do and fast moving . The film has frenetic action,shoot'em up and spectacular set pieces and for that reason is amusing. The motion picture is produced by Nu Image production that nowadays is called Milleniun and in charge of Danny Lerner,Avi Lerner and Trevor Short, besides producers previous Delta Force films as ¨Delta Force operation Ebola¨ with Ernie Hudson,Jeff Fahey and directed by Sam Firstemberg, plus ¨Operation Delta Force 2 Mayday¨ with Michael McGrady and directed by Yossi Wein. The atmospheric scores of the three Delta force are composed by Serge Colbert and usually repeat technicians and secondary actors in this kind films. The movie is professionally directed by Mark Roper. The flick will appeal to commandos sub-genre fans. Rating : acceptable and bemusing.
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