Review of Last Summer

Last Summer (1969)
My brief review of the film
9 December 2005
A carefully directed study of friendships, relationships and responsibility, the film is quite an amazing experience, with many well set up shots, excellent camera angles and brilliant framing. It is all edited very well together, with an emphasis on close-ups to make it all the more intense. The subject matter rather than the technical perfection is what is most impressive about the film though. With limited background information on the characters, we get to understand them as persons alone in the world with nothing much to do. The film is indeed about finding things to do in life among other things... so many other things that it is hard to sum them all up in a brief review like this. The levels of music and sound recording play important parts too and the acting is excellent. Catherine Burns was Oscar nominated, but Richard Thomas who arguably comes off as the best of the strong cast playing a character who is very uncertain of his feelings. It is hard to know where to begin and where to go when discussing this film. There is a lot to it, and it is superbly put together. It would definitely be best to see it before trying to read into any deeper discussion. Other than the abrupt ending, it is just masterful film-making that has to be seen for itself.
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